May 25, 2021

Why You Must Have a Data Retention Policy

Nobody likes a "gotcha" in any walk of life, and that certainly holds true in IT.  No one can argue that it pays to be prepared.  This is why we buy insurance, financial advice, medical checkups etc., etc.  


When thinking about "preparing" a computer network, our customers know about the critical importance of antivirus software and backups, but they almost NEVER bring up data retention policies.  In fact many organizations have no such policy, but they certainly should.

Lack of a data retention policy is a classic example of a "gotcha" just waiting to happen.  What makes this issue so tricky is that, by the time you understand that you need a data retention policy, it's already too late.  If I've peaked your interest, I hope you'll take the time to watch the above video.

Tony Valle

Tony Valle is a founding partner at Promethius and manages the business development side of our business. Earlier in his career, Tony was a Programmer/Analyst for Northern Trust in Chicago, supporting a system that processed about $40 billion in transactions per day. Tony's talents are a unique blend of highly technical and highly creative, which makes him a powerful force in the IT world. In his personal life, Tony enjoys writing music, playing piano and guitar, and studying history. His son Louis is 8 years old and also likes to play piano and guitar.