Category Archives for "IT Budgets"
The advent of 5G technology signals a monumental leap forward in the realm of telecommunications. Unlike its predecessors, 5G promises not just incremental improvements but transformative changes that affect every aspect of our digital lives. From higher speeds to lower latency, 5G is set to redefine connectivity and pave the way for an array of futuristic applications.
Millions of employees have suddenly dispersed to their homes in an attempt to stay safe and productive. Unfortunately, many home offices were not designed for comfortably working for eight or more hours at a stretch. Also, many homes and apartments do not have the same physical protections and roominess that we find in our cubicles and offices at work. This is leading to accidental coffee spills and laptops being dropped off the corners of tables at the absolute worst time in history for these types of accidents to take place.
Due to the Windows 7 operating system end of life, desktop computers and laptops have been getting steadily harder to procure for the past year or so. When Wuhan China locked down due to Covid-19, many hardware providers were effectively out of business. To make matters worse, major distributors, like Tech Data and Ingram Micro, have maintained less inventory in recent years and are now, themselves, on partial lockdown due to Covid-19. This has culminated in the perfect storm for hardware procurement. Most of our favorite hardware models are on backorder for weeks or months. Even our backups (less popular models) and safeties (retail) are now quickly running out of stock.
What’s the answer? Don’t break your computer! Physical damage to an older computer or mobile phone is to be avoided at all cost. Don’t take extra risks balancing your computer on a stack of books on the corner of your dining room table, even for just a second. Use extra caution when taking your phone out of your pocket because getting a new one activated, even if you can get your hands on a replacement, is next to impossible in this environment.
If you’re planning hardware purchases in the next 6 months, please talk to us now so we can develop a strategy. As always, give us a call at 317-733-2388 if you have questions.
A multi-location law firm recently reached out to us with several issues. Their staff was constantly complaining of slow computers, and certain offices sporadically lost their network connection all-together. “Down-time” in any business is a problem.
Backup was another issue. They couldn’t get their backups to reliably run, and the partners were losing sleep over visions of permanently-lost client files. They couldn’t take the risk any more, and so reached out for help.
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 will officially sunset (support will end) on July 14th of 2015, so what does this actually mean? Well, luckily we have ample time to prepare for the end-of-life of Server 2003. What does it generally mean when Microsoft drops all support of an operating system anyway?