June 25, 2015

Why You Might Be Running Unlicensed Software and How It Could Cost You Big Money

At Promethius Consulting, because as a Managed Services Provider we manage so many computer networks in Indiana, we have a whole lot of experience with software licensing. It seems like licensing your software should be easy, right? In reality, it's anything but easy.

In fact, most networks that we inherit are found to be running several applications without a proper license. This can be a huge liability to an organization. Audits are real and monetary penalties are stiff. Software Licensing is one of those issues that most business owners overlook and are completely unaware of.

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March 11, 2011

Who is this Prometheus Character, Anyway?

In Greek mythology Prometheus (meaning forethought), was a Titan and the benefactor of humankind. Prometheus and his brother Epimetheus (meaning hindsight) were given the task of creating humanity and providing humans and all the animals on earth with the endowments they would need to survive. Prometheus stole fire from the gods at Mount Olympus and gave it to the mortals on Earth. As a consequence, Zeus chained Prometheus to a rock where an eagle picked at his innards. He was later rescued by the hero Hercules.

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